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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

Summer Fair 2024 - Saturday 29 June


Thank you to The Property Experts for generously sponsoring our Summer Fair.  Check them out here - The Property Experts

Our BBQ was a hit yet again last year.  We'd like to say a huge thank you to Buxton Butchers at Bristol for donating some delicious burgers and Joe's Bakery Bristol for donating some rolls.  Also, Mark's Mobile Butchers for donating the sausages, you are all what helps make our event such a huge success!
Donations like this help us raise even more money for the children and means we can keep prices lower.  Thank you to all of our donors!!
Make sure you come and enjoy a delicious BBQ treat during the fair.


We're delighted to welcome back: savssuperwhippy.co.uk


 Also: https://www.theonepizza.co.uk





Again, we can't thank our donors enough for helping us make this even happen.  We have around 70 raffle prizes, more details to follow, but tickets can be bought here - Raffle - St Michael's School PTFA Summer Raffle 2024 (peoplesfundraising.com)